Linklog - Week 9
Open Data and Civic Apps
Misc Links
Colombian Software Developers
Recently two interesting articles about software developers in Colombia were written:
- "Not a single Colombian university teaches software engineering. Really. Not even one."
- Colombian startups don’t have an engineering deficit. Really, they don’t.
The first one is from Alexander Torrenegra and the other was written by Juan Pablo Buritica. Juan Pablo somehow rebuts Alexander some of Alexander's claims. I think Both make interesting points and I think they have the experience and the authority to talk about the subject. I share a bit more the opinion of Alexander as I think Computer Science education in Colombia is not good and need an overhaul. I would love to write a small piece on my experience as I graduated from a top Colombian university and I believe the education on computer science related topics is precarious.
Social Network Extravaganza
Thanks to the Mining Masive Data Sets class on Coursera and that I started getting curious curious about it. I wanted to explore a bit more and I downloaded the my friends dataset from Facebook and imported into Gephi, a tool for Graph visualization and analysis.

Gephi interface.
Below a couple of interesting links for people that want to do the same:
Install Gephi on Mac OSX Yosemite
There some issues with installing Gephi on the last version of OSX. This helped me solving the issue.
Extract your Friend Network in Facebook
I nice tool that helped me to extract my Facebook friend graph in a Gephi compatible file format.
Storify I found this tool to be really nice to keep a log of event and add social network based stories.
SimString I have been taken the MDDS class on Coursera. Challenging but super interesting. I wanted to use LSH to do a sort of hashing of near duplicate short sentences. It is a small dataset so I believe this algorithm will work actually better.
Delete Training whitespace on Save and compact Empty Line on Emacs Awesome snippet, specially for Python development on Emacs
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